Snow in California: The tragedy beyond its pureness

Snow in Los Angeles, California 

California, a western coastal state lying on the Pacific Ocean, is renowned for its tropical climate and mesmerizing landscape that lasts throughout the year. Its gleaming sunlight envelops the whole California state regardless of the season, even reaching the average temperature of fifteen degrees Celsius during winter. In California, the sun seems to never fade away.

On the ordinary day of February 25th, 2023,  a blizzard enclosed Los Angeles with pure white snow. The seemingly bright sun concealed its appearance behind snow storms, dropping its temperature to negative Celsius. Snow had accumulated to the height of 50 inches during the whole week, in accordance with the blizzard exceeding over 90mph. This unprecedented record has not been broken for more than 50 years since the last snowstorm in California back in the 1970s (Murphy, John).

THE NEW YORK TIMES/Snow in California Surprises and Delights

People in California are now busy enjoying their once-in-a-lifetime experience. Children came out to the street to have snowball fights, build snowmen, or even lay their bodies down on the field of snow. Although the title “Snow in California” seems romantic and special, there is a calamity that lies beyond this beautiful landscape. 

This erratic phenomenon is usually referred to as an “abnormal climate,” denoting the departure of  temperatures from its long-period trend for particular locations.  Frequent rain in the Sahara desert, warm temperatures in Greenland, and snow in Singapore are some famous examples of abnormal climates. 

Major causes and effects of the abnormal climate 

Scientists have conjectured that the burning of fossil fuels is the origin of these extreme climate issues. In the process of burning fossil fuels, massive amounts of carbon dioxide, methane, and other greenhouse gas are amassed inside the atmosphere, consistently increasing the temperature of the planet (EARTHJUSTICE).  

However, this extreme climate often develops into calamitous disasters such as wildfires, rising ocean sea levels, and persistent drought. The humid climate formed by extreme climate accelerated the spread of fire in the infamous California wildfire that burned more than 4 million acres in 2020. Also, the abrupt temperature increase in Antarctica and the Arctic region resulted in the rise of the average global sea level by eight inches in the last 150 years. Furthermore, high temperatures result in dry conditions, leading America in the midst of a drought that ranks among the worst in the past 1,200 years (EARTHJUSTICE). 

Take Action Right Now 

Instead of perceiving the snow in California as one romantic scene from a movie, we should expand the perspective to approach this issue in a more serious and critical route. 

Imagine your home being submerged by the rising sea level.

Do you now understand the consequences of abnormal climates? 

Instead of remaining seated, start with minor habits such as reducing energy consumption, conserving water, taking sustainable transportation, and practicing plant-oriented diets. 

All significant changes start from the small efforts of individuals.