You’ve Been Served!

CI’s Table Tennis Team brings home the cup

Winter season athletics are all over and spring season is starting soon. Chadwick Varsity sports teams competed other schools at KAIAC tournaments, and brought home some positive results. 

One of the most shocking results from the season was the varsity table tennis team winning first place at KAIAC tournament, as the 22-23 season was the first year of the table tennis team at Chadwick International school. 

Even though some people were surprised by the existence of table tennis team at the start of the season, they proudly brought home Chadwick’s first KAIAC Table Tennis championship, beating other schools’ teams at SFS on January 28th. 

Specifically, Chadwick’s team members, Rex Han (grade 9 )and Leo Lee (grade 11), got both first and second place in Boys Singles group 1 where they displayed their masterclass of skillsets. Also, Danny Kim (grade 10), another member of the table tennis team, received first place in Boys Singles group 2. For Doubles, Jiho Kwon (grade 9) and Jason Lee (grade 9) won third place showing wonderful teamwork. Lastly, Eileen Byon (grade 9) was able to win second place in the Girls Singles group. 

Overall, Chadwick’s table tennis team’s points added up and led them to become the first place at KAIAC. We asked the captain of the table tennis team, Jayden Yoon (grade 11) on his thoughts at the ending of the season. 

Jayden Yoon

“What do you make out of this season’s ending? What do you feel, being the first place in KAIAC?” 

“I think we were very successful and I am certainly proud of every members of the team. To be honest, I knew from the very start of the season that we would win that championship as everyone in our team had many different strengths but with no weaknesses. I believe we proved our ability this year and so we would be able to become the back-to-back champions next year.”

The proud captain and the table tennis team have brought home results of their hard-work becoming Chadwick’s first KAIAC table tennis champions.