Glamour, Glitz, and Island Vibes

A Sneak Peek at Chadwick’s Senior Prom Fashion

Prom night is not just any ordinary night. It’s a night of glamour, glitz, and high fashion. For the seniors at Chadwick High School, it’s happening on the picturesque island of Sebitseom on April 14th, adding an extra layer of excitement to the night. From Grace Lee’s undecided dress to Tyler Lee’s fancy tuxedo, the seniors are bringing their fashion A-game to this year’s senior prom. 


But it’s not just the seniors who are getting ready for the big night. The juniors have been working tirelessly to make this year’s prom one for the books. Andrew Park may be keeping it casual with his t-shirt and pants, but his confidence is off the charts, giving himself a perfect 10. 

As for the couples, Jaenney Lee and Michael Jung are sure to turn heads in their hunter-colored dress and suit combo. Gooha Park is planning to wear a navy suit and shirt, but is still deciding on his shoes. He’ll be going with Kelly Park, who has chosen a bright red dress with two bow ribbon decorations, classic black stiletto heels, lots of silver jewelry, and a purse completely covered with gemstones. Kelly is also excited to show off her glitter nails, which she had done especially for prom night. “Hopefully a solid 8? But my nails are definitely 10. I am obsessed with them,” she says.

Jenny Ryu is planning to wear a light pink off-the-shoulder dress to the senior prom, and she’s feeling confident about her choice. “I’m giving my dress a 10 out of 10,” she declares. “Of course, that’s a little debatable, but I’m rounding up because I love it so much!”

While most seniors at Chadwick High School will be bringing a date to the senior prom, Andy Baik, the MC of the night, is choosing to fly solo. “I don’t need a date,” he declares. “I have my casual shorts and bowtie, and that’s all the company I need!” Robert Choi is also attending alone, but he is going for a sleek look with his black-on-black Dior full set. “A 10/10,” he declares. 

But it’s not just about the clothes; prom night is about making memories. The seniors are excited to celebrate with their friends and enjoy the night to the fullest. And with the juniors’ hard work and dedication, this year’s senior prom is sure to be a night they’ll never forget. 

So whether you’re wearing a fancy suit or just keeping it casual, prom night is a chance to let loose and celebrate all the hard work and achievements of the past few years. It’s a night to remember and a night to make memories that will last a lifetime.