On October 31st Thursday, the grade 9 and 10 strings class students went to SFS to attend KAIAC Large Group Festival. Their excellency in performance earned them the platinum ranking, making it Chadwick’s third consecutive year bringing back to school the highest rank. The students performed two songs: Adagio and Presto by Joseph Haydn and Prelude for String Orchestra by Gerald Finzi.
The music students performed was relevant to their first unit, “Understanding Genre”. In class students have been focusing on the genre of symphonies, a genre consisting of several large movements or sections typically played by a full orchestra. Students had various opportunities to explore the conventions that make up a symphony, making ties between their investigation and the music they play in class. For their criterion A task, students were assigned a symphony piece by Haydn, and they had to each analyze and critique the symphonic conventions manifested in the piece. Through this assignment, students studied how musical elements such as form, instrumentation, or tempo contributed to the emotional and artistic impact of a symphony, allowing them to connect historic musical trends to their own understanding and performance.
Under the assistance of their conductor Ms.Sonya Yi and concert master Karis Shin (G10), the upper school strings class students were able to demonstrate exceptional musicality at SFS. The three judges noted the orchestra’s proficiency especially in their control of articulation, transition, and phrasing. Two judges awarded the students a platinum rating, while one judge rated them gold. With the majority of votes at the platinum level, the students earned platinum, the highest ranking.
However, the students’ display of dedication and talent continued beyond the KAIAC festival. On November 19th, during the Upper School Annual Winter Concert held in the main theater, the Grade 9 and 10 Strings class performed the same two pieces for the Chadwick community once again.
The grade 9 and 10 strings class’ outstanding performance at the KAIAC Large Instrument Festival and the Winter Concert stand as a result of their hard work, passion, and commitment to their growth as young musicians. These milestones highlighted the students’ abilities to represent Chadwick’s musical excellence, setting a high standard for future performances.