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CI Press

Another Successful Season of KAIAC Championships at CI

The KAIAC Championships are, without a doubt, the highlight of any student athlete’s career. It’s a chance for them to showcase the skills they’ve amassed over two long months of hard training and intense competition: a place to exercise their determination and sportsmanship. 

The Winter season was yet another massive success! Our teams completed their season with impressive results, bringing the fire to the competition and sweeping wins left and right. Here’s a recap of everything that went down: 

The Varsity Table Tennis Team marked the start of the season’s finale with remarkable results. They traveled all the way to APAC to compete against fierce rivals and returned with notable records. The boys dominated in their games, placing 1st in Singles 1, 2nd in Singles 2, 1st in Singles 3, 2nd in Doubles 1, and 1st in Doubles 2. The girls also gave it their all, placing 5th in Singles 1, 1st in Singles 2, and 2nd in Doubles 1.

Our Varsity Girls’ Basketball team traveled to YISS and fought hard, finishing 4th overall in their KAIAC Conference and 6th in the Tournament. Our Varsity Boys Basketball team showed equally impressive results at SIS. They competed against difficult teams and ended up finishing 2nd overall in the KAIAC Conference. The boys also played well in the Tournament, falling short of the championship match but coming out with an astounding 3rd place.

Meanwhile, the JV girls competed in a fierce home game against some stiff competition. They dominated over all of the games and won 1st place in the KAIAC Tournament. The JV Boys trailed closely behind, playing at CDS, and pulling an impressive 2nd place. The teams displayed a remarkable amount of teamwork and determination, finishing with 2nd place, while the JV Boys secured a well-fought 7th. 

The Varsity Cheerleading team traveled to Humphreys for their KAIAC Championship. Giving a breathtaking performance, they managed to place 2nd, a well-deserved accomplishment. 

Finally, our Varsity Swim Team created huge waves at YISS for their Championships, securing an amazing 3rd place for the combined boys and girls category. The varsity girls went all out, dominating over all of their events and winning 1st place undefeated, with 12 wins and 0 losses the entire season. The boys also fought hard, finishing 5th overall, and winning the team spirit award along with the girls.

The Winter Season KAIAC Championships ended in yet another triumph for Chadwick International. Although the season was a rollercoaster with highs and lows, our student-athletes worked hard and gave it all they had. Go, Dolphins! 

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