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CI Press

JV Girls Basketball Team Places 1st at KAIAC

The JV girls’ basketball team of the 2023-24 school year made history by securing the title for the KAIAC tournament held at Chadwick.

On February 3rd, excitement filled the air with the KAIAC tournament held across its two gyms. With only three losses throughout the season, our JV girls’ team entered the tournament in second place, with a strong determination to secure the championship.


Their journey began with a spirited match against Cheongna Dalton School (CDS) at 10 a.m., emerging victorious. Their momentum continued as they triumphed over Seoul Foreign School (SFS) in the semi-finals with a score of 15-29.


The stage was set for an epic showdown with their toughest rival, Seoul International School (SIS), in the finals. Despite facing defeat against SIS earlier in the season, the Dolphins displayed unwavering concentration and determination. Finally, they won with a final score of 15-29, claiming the championship title.


After the game, the team not only celebrated their victory, but also exemplified sportsmanship by showing respect and fellowship towards their competitors. Gathering for a celebratory team dinner, the members reflected on their remarkable journey.


Hanna (G10), one of the team captains alongside Jenny S (G11), shared her thoughts on their incredible achievement.


Reporter: Congratulations! How does it feel to emerge victorious?


Hanna: I am so thankful and happy for the win. I want to express my appreciation to every member of our team for their hard work and dedication throughout the season. Our victory is a testament to the effort we’ve collectively put in, with every drop of sweat becoming a symbol of our success.


Reporter: What were the key factors contributing to your team’s success?


Hanna: The dedication and resilience of our team members, despite injuries and unexpected challenges, played a crucial role in our success. Additionally, our strong team bond fostered a supportive atmosphere, motivating each other to deliver our best performances on the day of the tournament.


Reporter: How challenging was the finals?


Hanna: The finals were certainly not easy. Exhausted both physically and mentally after two games, we faced formidable opponents, with the memory of our previous loss lingering. However, we rallied together, encouraging each other to overcome our fears – and that’s how we emerged victorious.


As we celebrate our JV girls’ team once more, it is evident that the formula for our victory lies in our strong team bond and unwavering effort. We look forward to witnessing their continued progress and success!


Congratulations again, Dolphins – Wick on three, one, two, three, Wick!

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